We have curated a collection of premium hot tub accessories from North American manufacturers.




Backyard Canada has cover lifters, hot tub smart steps, flosser filter cleaning tools, pleatco filters, cleaning and maintenance chemicals and water care kits to take the maintenance of your hot tub to a whole new level.

Browse the worthwhile collection of hot tub accessories on Backyard Canada. If you have any questions around your hot tub accessories or maintenance feel free to give our friendly team a call or drop into the store and we would be happy to help!


Bacterial infections, rashes, skin irritations, and nausea (on ingestion) are some of the common risks associated with soaking oneself in mucky hot tub. Hence, it becomes extremely imperative to regularly spike and span your hot tub and make sure it is properly maintained so your friends and family don’t see foamy and cloudy hot tub water after lifting the cover. To keep your hot tub clean and in its prime, you need the right accessories, such as a sanitizing chemicals, hydraulic cover lift, filter flosser, test kit, and so on. These functional accessories make maintenance of your hot tub easier and result in a better hot tub experience. Explore the wide range of hot tub accessories at Backyard Canada and take your hot tub maintenance and hygiene to a whole new level!

A hot tub means quality leisure time for the whole family! However, to continue enjoying soaking in the hot tub, you need to maintain and look after it. Hot tub accessories such as a cover lifter, smart deck and cleaning tools help you to maintain your hot tub with ease. A hot tub cover lifter, for instance, allows you to move the cover of the hot tub without straining your back or arms in the process. CoverMate 3 Cover Lifter- Leisure Concepts is a perfect solution that features reliability, high performance, and beauty in its design. The Advanced Water Care Kit from Backyard Canada helps in the maintenance of hot tub water by regular testing and treating. This encourages one to keep the spa clean and hygienic by adding chemical purifiers like chlorine or bromine and pH balancers.

Your hot tub is a spot where you unwind and spend quality time with your family and friends. A long soak in a clean hot tub promises amazing health benefits like good skin, better sleep, stress alleviation, and so on. If you want to enhance your hot tub experience, the many worthwhile hot tub accessories from Backyard Canada are what you need. Starting from quality cover lifters and water care kits to the smart deck and more, Backyard Canada offers it all!