ClearBlue Mineralizer Replacement Cell

The ClearBlue hot tub ionizer replacement cell hooks into your existing Clearblue Mineralizer system, and releases minerals into the water.

$199.00 $219.00

Pay a deposit $59.70


    Hot tub and spa ionizer reduces maintenance and chemicals

    The ClearBlue hot tub ionizer hooks into your hot tub filtration system and releases minerals into the water. Every 12-24 months you’ll need to replace your mineralizer cell, which is just a matter of unplugging and unscrewing the old cell, and replacing with a new cell. While easier when your hot tub is empty, most hot tubs will have shut off valves to isolate the rest if the water or it can even be done quickly with minimal water loss, if you’re quick!

    Minerals assist in controlling bacteria and algae by augmenting the the chemical sanitizer. This allows you to cut the chlorine or bromine in half so the water smells better and feels softer on your skin, and you won’t smell like chlorine when you leave the tub. A technology that pays for itself in reduced chemical cost, this is our most popular hot tub upgrade, and our client love it.


    When you first fill your tub we recommend that you use the boost function for a few days to get the copper content in the water up to the recommended level. Once there, your water becomes inhospitable to algae and bacterial growth. A passive water treatment system, the Clearblue Minderalizer is the only technology that Health Canada allows you to reduce your chemical usage with. Paired with active water treatment like Ozone and UVC, and you’ll have a tub that easy to maintain with minimal chemicals.

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